A very brief Pattern story (and a sale)


“Too late, Ralph realized that he had absent-mindedly asked ALL the members of the typing pool to meet him for a drink after work.”

[Pattern from Lisa at the vintage fashion Library, which is having an “overthehill” sale — it seems it’s Lisa’s birthday (Happy Birthday!) this weekend, and her oldest is leaving the nest Monday, and another child starts college next month and her youngest starts high school! poor Lisa! (But think of all the extra space for patterns, Lisa!) So use the code “overthehill” to get 25% off at vintage fashion Library. If you want to use it at miss Helene’s (Lisa’s other pattern site), put the code in the Paypal comment section, and Lisa will send you a refund. If you let her know in advance, Lisa can combine purchases from both sites, and accept credit scores cards at miss Helene’s. Whew!]

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